Sunday, November 30, 2008
Role Models Review
Anyways, I thought Role Models was a really funny movie, one of the funnier ones I have seen in a while. It had an interesting story line that was well written and a good ending. It was a feel good movie and by the end, you felt for the characters. It also kept me entertained throughout the entire movie. Seann William Scott plays the same character in every movie he is in, the horny party boy, which kind of bothers me, but he was still funny. I really like Paul Rudd, he did a great job in his role. Christopher Mintz-Plasse was hilarious, he had some pretty good one liners, and the same goes for Bobb'e J. Thompson. The humor was kind of dirty and stupid, but if you like that, you will enjoy this movie. Like I had mentioned in my post before, Christopher Mintz-Plasse does run away with the movie by the end, which is OK with me, but they tie everything together to have a good ending.
I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone looking for a stupid funny movie!
Let me know if you see it!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Twilight Review
The movie was definitely not as good as the book, but it was a pretty good try. The story followed the book closely, but didn't go as in depth because of time. There were funny parts, dramatic parts, and action scenes. There were a bunch of corny parts that I laughed at, which weren't meant to be funny, but that is why the book is so good, it's a sappy, over dramatic love story. The acting was really good, but at times maybe a little over done. I felt like if you hadn't read the book, you wouldn't understand some parts in the movie because they aren't explained, but it is still worthwhile and it might encourage people to read the book. It also left you wanting more, and we will be getting more when New Moon comes out in the future. The movie hit the mark for it's target audience, but everyone else may not feel the same way. All in all, I liked it and am planning on seeing it again. I would recommend it to other Twilight fans or people wanting to get into the series.
I can't wait for the next one!
Let me know your thoughts if you see it!
p.s. I am planning on seeing Role Models soon, so that review will be coming!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Forbidden Fruit Tastes the Sweetest

I have never read a book and then seen the movie, so it will be interesting to see how the characters are interpreted onto the big screen and what was changed or not included from the book.
The Twilight series has a huge following which will result in a huge opening for the movie. Over the next few years, we will definitely be seeing the other 3 books come to theaters.
If you go see it, let me know what you thought!
Rated PG-13
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Role Models

I have seen a bunch of commercials for this movie and it looks pretty funny to me, so I wanted to share it with you all!
Here is a little plot summary:
Two irresponsible energy drink salesmen, Wheeler (Seann William Scott) and Danny (Paul Rudd), drank too many Minotaur energy drinks and trashed their company truck. There punishment? 150 hours in a community mentorship watching trouble-maker kids instead of jail. Danny is assigned to help bashful, role-playing geek Augie (Christopher Mintz-Plasse, yes that is Mclovin') and Wheeler is assigned to help foul-mouthed fifth-grader Ronnie (Bobb'e J. Thompson). The boys go through many interesting situations, but Danny and Wheeler can't give up on Augie and Ronnie, or they will be sent to jail.
I read a few reviews and for the most part they said the movie was funny because of the awkward situations between the kids, and Scott and Rudd. One review said that Christopher Mintz-Plasse's character, Augie, "runs away with the movie" and by the end it is mostly focused on him, which doesn't surprise me since I think he did a great job in Superbad.
I'm excited to see this movie and hopefully get some laughs out of it, which I think I will.
Let me know if you see it!
'Role Models' Trailer Rated R
Monday, November 3, 2008
So, I just saw High School Musical: Senior Year, and I actually really liked it! It was cute and entertaining. Yes, it was really corny, to the point where I was laughing at the corniness, but that is what Disney movies are about. The actors in the movie are extremely talented in singing and dancing which makes it enjoyable to watch. The plot was also relatable to anyone watching it, well except maybe really young kids. It reminded me of graduating from high school, saying goodbye to friends and going off to college, which is a bittersweet experience. Parents can relate to it as well in that they try to guide their kids in the direction they believe they should go, but their kids decisions are ultimately theirs. I definitely think that Disney upped their game on this one since it was in theaters and the switch to the big screen is paying off (literally) since the movie premiered at number one.
Just a few things that bothered me:
- Some outfits and dance moves were a little inappropriate for the target age groupTroy and
- Gabriella were just way too into each other for a Disney movie, you can tell they are a couple off screen
- Some parts/songs reminded me of Rent and Greece
- They supposedly cut a scene from the movie where Zac Efron dances and sings in the shower, which was probably a good move, but it would have been nice! Stills (seen below) of the scene were sold on eBay.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this movie, if you like this sort of thing, or even if you don't...Zac Efron is easy on the eyes. :)
Let me know what you think of it!