So, I just saw High School Musical: Senior Year, and I actually really liked it! It was cute and entertaining. Yes, it was really corny, to the point where I was laughing at the corniness, but that is what Disney movies are about. The actors in the movie are extremely talented in singing and dancing which makes it enjoyable to watch. The plot was also relatable to anyone watching it, well except maybe really young kids. It reminded me of graduating from high school, saying goodbye to friends and going off to college, which is a bittersweet experience. Parents can relate to it as well in that they try to guide their kids in the direction they believe they should go, but their kids decisions are ultimately theirs. I definitely think that Disney upped their game on this one since it was in theaters and the switch to the big screen is paying off (literally) since the movie premiered at number one.
Just a few things that bothered me:
- Some outfits and dance moves were a little inappropriate for the target age groupTroy and
- Gabriella were just way too into each other for a Disney movie, you can tell they are a couple off screen
- Some parts/songs reminded me of Rent and Greece
- They supposedly cut a scene from the movie where Zac Efron dances and sings in the shower, which was probably a good move, but it would have been nice! Stills (seen below) of the scene were sold on eBay.

All in all, I would definitely recommend this movie, if you like this sort of thing, or even if you don't...Zac Efron is easy on the eyes. :)
Let me know what you think of it!
I am not embarassed to admit it--I LOVED THIS MOVIE! I don't even care that I am twenty years old, Disney really outdid themselves with this one. I enjoyed the cutesy aspect of the first High School Musical movie, but I felt the second one was trying to appeal to the older audience that Disney found out was watching this. It was a failed attempt, although young kids still enjoyed and watched the movie over and over again.
HSM 3 might have been my favorite of the three, I can't decide. The songs were much better than the second, and I loved how this year's musical was about THEIR senior year! It definitely helped since there was no real prom scene (which was the one scene in the movie I really hated, no guy would ever drive to visit his girlfriend at Stanford and dance with her on the lawn.)
Besides that one scene, the only objections I had to the movie was some rather provocative images I thought they expressed! I couldn't believe the outfits that Ashley Tisdale danced in for the routines, and when Zac Efron was doing his solo in the school, it looked like he was practicing pole dancing on the ropes of the set!
Hello-KIDS mimic these actors! If the kids I babysit who love these movies start dancing that way, I'm not sure I'll know how to handle it!
Your post made me look into the deleted scenes of the shower, which also could be seen in a bad light, so I'm glad they took it out. Here's the video someone made about that scene being deleted:
Other than that, I'm up for seeing this movie for a second time!
I would say that this one was my favorite as well, Disney definitely outdid themselves.
I hope the kids you babysit don't copy their dance moves, but i'm sure they will, these actors are who they look up to. Disney is usually good about that sort of thing, maybe they are loosening up though.
Thanks for sharing the video, they made a good move in deleting that!
I would see it again too! We are dorks :)
I admitted to Gossip Girl today sooo...I must also admit I enjoyed High School Musical (the first one). I am a sucker for musicals even if 13 year olds sing in them apparently. haha
I didn't see HSM2 but I don't really want to. It didn't look as entertaining. I want to see HSM3 though.
Would I really miss out if I skip HSM2?
The other problem is apparently none of my friends want to go with me annnd I would feel kinda lame buying a ticket. I may just wait until it gets to Blockbuster. haha Less shame.
haha it is ok to admit to it, they are really talented!
You wouldn't be missing out if you skipped the 2nd one, but definitely see the 3rd. You won't be confused or anything when you see the 3rd, it is new storyline.
I think seeing it in theaters is a whole different experience than just at home on your TV, you need to drag someone to go see it with you! haha
Let me know what you think about it if you do go!
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