I have seen a bunch of commercials for this movie and it looks pretty funny to me, so I wanted to share it with you all!
Here is a little plot summary:
Two irresponsible energy drink salesmen, Wheeler (Seann William Scott) and Danny (Paul Rudd), drank too many Minotaur energy drinks and trashed their company truck. There punishment? 150 hours in a community mentorship watching trouble-maker kids instead of jail. Danny is assigned to help bashful, role-playing geek Augie (Christopher Mintz-Plasse, yes that is Mclovin') and Wheeler is assigned to help foul-mouthed fifth-grader Ronnie (Bobb'e J. Thompson). The boys go through many interesting situations, but Danny and Wheeler can't give up on Augie and Ronnie, or they will be sent to jail.
I read a few reviews and for the most part they said the movie was funny because of the awkward situations between the kids, and Scott and Rudd. One review said that Christopher Mintz-Plasse's character, Augie, "runs away with the movie" and by the end it is mostly focused on him, which doesn't surprise me since I think he did a great job in Superbad.
I'm excited to see this movie and hopefully get some laughs out of it, which I think I will.
Let me know if you see it!
'Role Models' Trailer Rated R
This movie does look hysterical. I really need to go see it. I wish someone would have posted on your blog to say how it was. The previews for it had me laughing hard and that doesn't happen often just from a preview.
I will probably be seeing this movie over break and I will write my review after that, so check back! From what I have heard so far, it is pretty funny. Let me know if you go and what you thought!
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